The Domiciliary Care and Support we provide is both high quality, and designed to keep individuals safe, comfortable, and living independently within their own home. As a Person-Centred Care Provider, all of our packages are designed around each individual, taking into account their needs, preferences and lifestyle. We promote full involvement of individuals, enabling care to be provided as and when they want, in a way that benefits and makes a positive difference to their life.
We are here to help when you need us
Behaviours that challenge
We have a highly skilled Multi-Disciplinary Team in place to provide training to our staff, equipping them with the skills and knowledge required to provide care and support to individuals with challenging behaviours. Emphasis is placed, not only on responding to challenging behaviours but in understanding why such behaviour arises, thereby enabling a proactive and deeper level of positive support.
Learning disability & mental health
We provide person-centred supported living services for individuals with Autism, Learning Disabilities and complex needs. We provide accredited training, Autism Awareness, Positive Behaviour Support training, as well as training in communication to ensure that individuals using our services not only receive the best care and support possible but that engagement between staff and the individuals they are supporting is effective.
Young onset dementia
We recognise that for younger people with dementia, the importance of offering a more specialised service cannot be underestimated. We have staff who provide person-centred care in a skilled and sensitive way, taking into account an individual’s history as well as both physical and emotional needs. Individuals are encouraged as appropriate to have a meaningful and active life as possible within their community, as they wish.
Community access service
We encourage individuals receiving our care to have as much community involvement as possible, taking into account their abilities, needs, and preferences. We support meaningful challenges in life, promoting independence as much as possible. Included within this support is providing access to local facilities and amenities, projects and clubs, the use of public transportation and awareness of and involvement in local events, as preferred.
Personalised activity planning
All of our activities are personalised to individual needs, considering the realistic goals and aspirations of the individual as well as family members and other care professionals involved. The approach we take is holistic, ensuring that all aspects of an individual’s life are taken into account, including physical, recreational, occupational, educational and spiritual. Our core aim is to promote overall fulfilment and wellbeing on an individual basis.